Friday, April 22, 2022


As Salaamu alaikum

Sunday Ramadan 1st 1443.

It is Ramadan. The month of mercy has come. And the time has come for me to recommit to completing my memorization of Quran. 15 Years ago I attempted it, seriously, for the first time. But the demands of having small children to care for and a full time life at first slowed my progress then stopped it completely after completing 5 juz. That was over 8 years ago now. And I’ve been struggling to get back to it ever since, but the idea of completely starting over stopped me for a long time.

As I struggled to find time for Quran, I had to reevaluate every aspect of my life until I came to the realization that the only one stopping me from memorizing the book of Allah is me. Once I accepted that, I was able to slowly come back to Quran. I started by reading a page a day after fajr. One page became two pages. Two pages became four pages. And I slowly and steadily build my stamina for Quran. 

It took 3 years of slow steady progress but this Ramadan in the first week I memorized 1 juz in one week. I had never done anything like that before and it blew me away. Bare in mind I was very familiar with it but many of us are very familiar with the first several pages of Quran. The question is do we want to memorize it badly enough to go the extra mile that it takes to get it done. And for me, for the first time in a long time, my answer is YES.