Sunday, March 14, 2010

Challenge Update

As salaamu alaikum,

Yes I have been slacking- I mean serious slackeration- in these post. Pardon me and may Allah pardon us all. No time to dwell on the past however, only time to seek forgiveness and run forward.

This is sooo exciting. I hardly know which words to type first, the excitement of memorization is jumbling my thoughts. I am on aya 20. InshaAllah Sunday morning I will memorize up to line 25, then I'll have to write some more to make sure I get ya'll caught up. Life is good when I do Qur'an. Life stands still when I don't.

If you're taking the challenge good news... Your time has been extended!!! YAAAAYY!!! WOoooHooooo. Yes I'm lame on occasion, but I don't mind. You now have until May 14 to finish 61 ayaat. That is 1 aya a day. I however must be finished on May 1 or sooner. So challengers to your corners. Put on your memorization gloves and give it a go. You definitely won't be losing out.

1 comment:

  1. Obi Aint The Wan KenobiMarch 15, 2010 at 3:17 PM

    As-Salaamu Alaykum,

    I am trying to keep up, but it seems that at this stage of life my eyes and mind are drawn to linking understanding with what I am memorizing and it's easier than it has ever been in the past. So I will drag along and Allah willing get there, as you said we definitely won't be losing out.

    was salaam
    Obi Aint The Wan Kenobi
