Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Al-An’aam 80-81

Have you ever thought of the moment that Ibrahim (A) became the miracle. His faith was strong enough to see pain and know that Allah would grant him safety. I definitely need me some of that. Faith is a funny thing. It rises and falls like the tides, always churning. The story of Ibrahim makes me wonder how certainty feels. How does it feel to have no doubt. I can only imagine that it comes as a slow steady sweetness filling ones breast with light. I would like certainty.

Ibrahim (a) was shown the malakoot of the heavens and the earth so when he says to the disbelievers that he is not afraid of their gods and they can do nothing to him (Ibrahim) except what Allah wills. He has full confidence that not only is he correct but that Allah has his back, front, sides, upper and lower. I sigh deeply as my heart extends itself outward to feel that grace. 

(Wasi’a Rabbi Kulla shayy) And my Lord has knowledge of all things. Will you not then recollect?

Ibrahim (A) is calling upon his people to think about the reality of existence in this world. All the prophets come with a clear message and when their people are destroyed the traces of that destruction are seen in the lands. Ibrahim (A) is calling on his people to remember this fact. But they have no shame in front of the one who causes the sun to rise in the east.

How do we turn away from God while we know? Then we call on Him when we are afraid. It is as if those who disbelieve are unwilling to relinquish the belief that they control their fate, even though everyone knows that we have no control over when we die. 

(Ilm takleed thaun wahm shak jalh) Just thought I’d play with your mind a little.


  1. Beautiful reflection. Herein lies the difference between those brought near and the rest of us. While Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with him) has experienced full faith with unwavering certainty, I’ve only experienced moments, fleeting glimpses. But my have they been sweet. Once was after the loss of my third child. I felt the fragility of my own existence. And there I lay, in the palm of my Lord, with full and complete certainty in Him, Most High.
