Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aya 257

As salaamu alaikum,

Allah is the protector of the faithful. Isn't that a comforting thought. After reading ayatul-Kursi and reflecting on the Attributes of the Lord of us all, and after Him telling that He does not want there to be force in religion, isn't it such a comforting that to that if we choose belief in Our Creator He will protect us. I know I feel good right now. But it doesn't stop there. He takes those protected people out of the darknesses and into the light.

The word used for darkness in this aya(verse) is ظلمات . Thulumaat-darknesses. Why is it significant that Allah would use darknesses in a plural sense? Ok. I know that was an easy question, but sometimes the easy ones need to be written down. Darknesses signifies the numerous means by which people are led astray. Misguidance is as numerous as people on the planet. And why shouldn't it be we're all different, with differing weaknesses and strengths. But...

Truth is one. Light is one. Just as God is One. All misguidance and darkness dissipates in the light of truth. May Allah make us of the faithful and protected.

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