Monday, January 11, 2010

Saying of the day/week/month/year/beyond

As salaamu alaikum,

"Al Inaa'u yakhruju maa feehee."

"What comes out of a vessel is what's in it"

Master Yoda just dropped this bit of knowledge on my mind and I had to share. "What comes out of a vessel is what's in it." Or, "What's in a vessel is what comes out of it." What do you think that means? Post some comments and let me know. I'll be back in a day or a week to tell you what it means to me.


  1. Could be similar to Personal desires that are sometimes cloaked with Humane efforts.

  2. What goes in your heart is what comes out. Obviously right? Whatever you surround yourself with, you are bound to be like those things. I wish I could give something deeper, but this is as far as Allah will allow me to go. MashaAllah

  3. That was quite deep right there.
