Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Assalaamu alaikum

It is difficult to memorize Quran with small children who cannot feed, dress, or clean themselves. And that difficulty is multiplied when we are ill or when I or master Yoda have to travel. It can feel overwhelming to even attempt to accomplish something so big as memorizing the Quran by heart. And sometimes thinking about it slows my memorization down to a crawl. So I sigh and I smile. Because in the difficult moments, trying to hold onto Quran reminds me that Allah is with me. And when Allah is with a person there is no failing. There is simply decree. 

What I mean by that is that there are times we need to rest. So we should rest. There are times we need to unwind. So we should unwind, and there are times we need to worship and work. So we should worship and work. Being able to decide what to do at the exact time that you need is a definition of discipline. Having to memorize the same half page over and over day after day for hours is not failing. It is simply decree. There are times when Allah slows us down so we can stop, assess, and make changes to our routine. I no longer fear that I am going to give up trying to memorize. However I often feel like giving up. But I choose to do what I think is right no matter what I feel. And when I stand before Allah on judgement day I want the quran there by my side as a witness for me. Reality gives me strength.

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